
Favorite Board Books / Gossie & Friends by Olivier Dunrea

During the school year, we host special Friday morning programs called "Friday Flings" about once a month for preschoolers.  Our latest Friday Fling was based on the Gossie and Friends series by Olivier Dunrea.  This is one of our favorite series of board books & little picture books!

The books feature Gossie the gosling and her farmyard adventures.  Dunrea's illustrations are completely adorable and each little gosling has their own distinct personality - Gossie loves her red boots, BooBoo loves to eat, and Ollie is a bit reluctant to hatch from his egg.  The simple plots come straight from a toddler's daily routine - from not wanting to take a nap to wearing the same red pair of boots every single day.  There are currently eight different characters featured in the series.  The newest additions are Jasper & Joop whose board book was just published in March.  I highly recommend this series for kids, especially ages 1-4.

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